Silesian University of Technology
Located in Silesia Region (Gliwice, Katowice, Zabrze, Rybnik). SUT is one of the biggest technical universities in Poland; consist of 15 faculties employing more than 1900 scientists, including 230 professors and 28 000 students. SUT has carried about one hundred different European Programmes including 4 grants supported in previous edition of Polish Norwegian Research Found.
The Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science (AEI) is one of the biggest SUT’s faculties. The Faculty collaborates with polish and foreign industrial and scientific partners. As a result, numerous projects of our researchers have been successfully implemented and different companies participate in the education process through student industrial placements as well as supervising the students’ theses and organizing training courses where certificates of competence are conferred. The AEI faculty has previous experiences in cooperation with the Norwegian project HiSF.
Full name: Silesian University of Technology
Street, number: Akademicka 16
Post code: 44-100
City: Gliwice
Voivodship: Silesia
Country: Poland
Phone: +48 32 237 2332
Fax: +48 322371655
Contact: Magdalena Szczechura
E-mail: magdalena.szczechura(at)
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (PJAIT) is located in Warsaw, Poland.
PJAIT has a strong focus on research and technology transfer projects. Participation in EU projects on telemedicine, artificial intelligence, human motion analysis and synthesis, homeland security or speech processing allowed expanding its laboratory base and competency of the staff to the internationally-recognized level. The PJAIT facility in Bytom carries out research projects in the areas of application of modern information technologies in different aspects of social and business life. Examples include medicine, public and national security. We developed, among others, a system of visual monitoring for the identification of persons and behaviour patterns, thus helping to detect potentially hazardous situations. Another important project done at PJAIT Bytom is the Human Motion Lab (HML). It is the first laboratory of this kind in Poland which provides remote access to a specialized database of human motion and to advanced technologies for the measurement of crucial motion-related parameters. HML can be used by medical doctors from all over Poland as a tool aiding in patient diagnosis, treatment planning and monitoring. PJAIT’s specialists have developed sophisticated software, called Motion Data Editor (EDR) to improve the quality of orthopaedic diagnosis and rehabilitation.
The laboratory offers also solutions for producers of computer games, videoclips, commercials, etc. such as the option of remote directing and management of motion capture sessions, as well as quick access to results. Specialised software makes it possible to register specific aspects, such as facial expressions, hand and finger movements, foot movements, etc.

Full name: Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology
The Bytom Faculty of Information Technology of PJAIT
Street, number: ul. Aleja Legionów 2
Post code: 41-902
City: Bytom
Voivodship: Silesia
Country: Poland
Phone: (+48) 022 58 44 500
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Contact: Marzena Wojciechowska
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Sogn og Fjordane University College
Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane (HiSF) is a medium sized modern institution of higher public education. The University College has about 3500 students and about 300 faculty and staff. HiSF has two main campuses, located in Førde and Sogndal. Engineering and Science and Health Studies are placed in Førde. Helse Førde is located next door to campus Førde and HiSF, and the two institutions have had a cooperating relationship for over 30 years. In addition, HiSF has a long and successful cooperation with Silesian University of Technology.
Full name: Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane
Street, number: Fossvegen 6
Post code: 6851
City: Sogndal
Country: Norway
Phone: +4757676000
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HelseForde (HF)
HelseForde (HF) is a public health institution. Helse Forde delivers specialistic inpatients and outpatients medical service for residents in Sogn of Fjordene district of west Norway. Statutory activities cover also scientific development. Helse Forde has large experience in studies in surgery, psychology, psychiatry, infectious diseases etc.
Rheumatology department provides clinical care for patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders and connective tissue diseases. The department has experience with studies in osteoporosis, arthritis and mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD). Rheumatology department participates in Norwegian collaborative group RNORA. RNORA’s main aim is to develop effective tools to optimize care for chronic arthritis patients.
Full name: Helse Førde HF
Street, number: number: Svanehaugvegen 2
Post code: 6807
City: Førde
Country: Norway
Phone: +47 57839000
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Medical Technology and Equipment Institute
ITAM is very active in scientific research and development in the field of technology and medical equipment as well as promotion and adaptation of research results into medical and industrial practice aimed at creation and development of advanced technologies for healthcare. Main areas of research carried out by the Institute comprise:
- development of monitoring techniques of biomedical and environmental parameters,
- advanced methodsof biomedical signal processing for perinatal medicine purposes,
- development of computer science technologies improving diagnostics and therapy of patients,
- development of telemedical systems,
- development of mechatronic technologies for medical purposes,
- application of computional intelligence methods in processing of biomedical information,
- development of domestic and international standardisation related to medical equipment.
Full name: Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment ITAM
Street, number: ul. Roosevelta 118
Post code: 41-800
City: Zabrze
Voivodship: Silesia
Country: Poland
Phone: (+48 32) 271-60-13
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